AI Loitering Detection

Actuate’s loitering detection cameras and software are helping organizations take the initiative on unwanted behavior. Receive instant alerts around loiterers before a threat emerges.


Organized retail crime rose 26.5% in 2021, with $100 billion lost to theft.


Suspicious person reports on campus constitute 15.8% of security incidents

Central Stations

The increase in crime has led to less public transit usage post-pandemic.

Regulate the Customer Experience With Loitering Detection Software

The reputation of your organization is built on trust, service, and providing a reliable experience with each visit. Unfortunately, these same things can be damaged by a suspicious person, loiterers, and other visitors behaving in ways beyond your control.

Loitering deters customers, employees, and visitors from entering a property, resulting in lost revenue and potentially impacting your company image and brand. It can also be an indicator of more serious crimes, such as theft, violence, and gang activity.

Actuate’s loitering detection software helps organizations distinguish between positive and negative patterns of behavior. Receive instant alerts when people or vehicles are lingering in areas for too long, and gain actionable insights over desired behaviors, such as people observing compelling advertisements or product displays.

Loitering Detection Software Designed Around Nuance

The line between hanging out and loitering can be blurry, and relying on assumptions can land organizations in legal trouble. Actuate helps you cut through bias and get only the facts, with loitering detection based on data rather than appearances.

Instant Alerts

Receive immediate notifications around suspicious behavior as soon as they emerge, helping de-escalate potential incidents.

AI Bias
Reduced Bias

Actuate detects objects and actions, not individuals. Sensitive personal information is omitted, protecting you from compliance issues.

Measure Success

Retailers can use Actuate’s heat mapping to determine data such as the efficacy of displays or peak hours of operation.

Cost Savings

Actuate’s cloud-based AI connects directly to your cameras, requiring no new hardware or infrastructure to implement.

How Actuate’s Loitering Detection Works

Actuate connects your existing security cameras to our artificial intelligence cloud.

Heat mapping lets users track where individuals are lingering in any recorded area.

Receive immediate notifications around loitering, or actionable data around points of interest.

Ready to learn more about Actuate’s Loitering Detection?