AI Video Analytics Features

Actuate's AI video analytics software offers a vast amount of sophisticated, self-learning capabilities that accelerate security responses against active threats.

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Customized Protection

Honing in on the alerts and analytics that contribute most to your optimal safety outcomes, Actuate delivers accurate protection without breaking the bank.

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Real-Time Emergency Communication

Our tools shorten the distance between seeing something and doing something about threat—because we believe speed is vital to safety, prevention, and response.


Ineffective security management endangers lives, causing significant vulnerability to any organization when it comes to safety measures and outcomes.

Actuate delivers streamlined surveillance solutions and unique benefits not offered by most physical security providers:

  • Seamless integration capabilities
  • Easy-to-use dashboard with real-time detection data
  • Self-improving analytical software
  • Customizable monitoring settings
  • Quick alerts with lowered bandwidth

Enhance Your Surveillance Solutions

Features Built with the Most Innovative Practices In Mind

AI Bias
Polygon Ignore Zones

Actuate's Customizable Polygon Ignore Zones feature maximizes efficiency and accuracy by providing operations managers with ultimate control over the alerts they receive on a per-camera and per-analytic basis. Alerts are also customizable by label to focus on specific activity.

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Emergency Control Systems featuring CrisisGo

Two-way, real-time emergency communication transforms how organizations notify others about daily incidents. Using alert and panic tools that break through digital messaging clutter, speed is at the center of the safety and crisis platform's functionality.

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Almost every mainstream video management system and network recorder manufacturer has an API-level integration with Actuate. This synchronization allows for minimized bandwidth, compute consumption, and flexibility to deploy Actuate's AI models over metered connections.

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Client Portal

Actuate's Client Portal provides maximum customizability and 360 degree intelligence on the state of your monitoring operations. It allows a user to easily onboard / off-board sites, draw customized ignore zones, set alert schedules, and review data on detection rates and the health status of onboarded cameras.

What Video Analytics is Right for Your Organization?

By filling out our interactive questionnaire you’ll gain valuable insight from Actuate experts on how you can take your security system to the next level, without any additional hardware.

Use Actuate’s Interactive Video Security Analysis

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