Doing more with less was the theme for 2021. With fewer resources, employees, and smaller budgets, the need to streamline operations without sacrificing accuracy presented new challenges in the security industry, especially for commercial buildings.

These changes have brought up a lot of questions surrounding security system design. The processes that were once the standard in enterprise security management are no longer equipped to meet the demands of the digital age.

To design an effective security system, it’s important to reflect on what no longer serves your organization. First things first, consider all the elements that must be incorporated into a successful building security system design.

What are the elements of a security system design?

  • Video cameras
  • Alarm systems
  • CCTV
  • Access control
  • Threat detection
  • Crowd management

As commercial building security needs evolve, the systems and softwares embedded into the infrastructure must advance as well. Avoiding potential threats before they happen with proactive video monitoring is shaping recent developments in video analytics technology. Outdated communication systems and trigger processes put property and personnel at risk, and can only offer support after crimes or infractions have occured.

The major pitfalls of current security systems represent the previous focus on reactive monitoring and the outdated concept of manual touchpoints.

Most Common Security System Design Pitfalls

  • One-size-fits-all: Businesses hoping to streamline their outputs seek out one company to support all their security needs. This is not recommended, as it limits opportunities to customize according to unique product strengths and introduces additional risks if the vendor goes out of business.
  • Reliance on legacy technology: Legacy technology such as alarm panels and motion sensors are prone to false alarms. False alarms can be a burden on the security team and local law enforcement. By deploying human-in-the-loop smart technology, it can ensure that only real threats trigger police dispatch.
  • On-premise only software: Using on-premise or legacy software doesn’t allow businesses to manage their security remotely and require manual maintenance. Cloud-based systems will ensure that the system has the latest updates within minutes.
  • Event-based monitoring: Before motion detectors and sensors were built into cameras, alarms were triggered when any movement was detected. This leads to false alarms (missing true alarms), and staff burnout.

To envision a security system that will stand the test of time, it’s important to understand where the market is going. Ultimately, the reliance on technology and leveraging data to offer next-level protection will continue to shape the future of security system design.

What should I look for in a commercial security system?

Ideal Building Security System Features

  • Interoperability: The ultimate key to enterprise security success is interoperability. When systems aren’t limited within their integration capabilities, systems can be scaled to a necessary capacity. As security needs advance, having the option to partner with third-party software providers and control systems is vital.
  • Ease of installation: When deploying new security systems, integrating existing technology to avoid a complete rip and replace project can significantly reduce costs without any degradation of capabilities. Without investing in additional hardware or requiring the security staff to undergo further training, commercial buildings can keep costs down and reduce IT burdens.
  • Cloud-based, custom AI analytics: With AI based software, hundreds of clients and their facilities can be monitored in one central station. Businesses only pay for what they use without overwhelming internet bandwidth, and can better protect their employees or visitors against safety and security threats.
  • Reduces operating costs: Especially helpful for businesses dealing with thinner operational budgets and labor shortages, investing in automation and AI surveillance software will streamline security operations while assisting in the shift towards proactive monitoring.
  • World-class cybersecurity and compliance: In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity and privacy is top of mind. To ensure the security of customer data, partner with platforms that meet the IT compliance standards that align with commercial business’ needs.

Secure the Future with Actuate

Actuate’s software-only solution offers all the features and capabilities necessary to streamline central station operations with better, faster processes. Cloud-based efficiency allows for quick deployment while saving on bandwidth and installation costs using existing cameras and turning them into smart cameras to more effectively identify threats.

By simply harnessing the power of computer software and AI, organizations can improve safety outcomes at no additional cost.

Are you ready to elevate your security system design?