AI Security Benefits

Actuate's AI surveillance software turns your existing security cameras into gun-and intruder-detecting smart cameras.


Accelerate Your Surveillance Capabilities

Actuate proactively identifies active shooter and intruder threats

Reduce False Positives

Detects people where they're not supposed to be, without the privacy implications of facial recognition.

False Positive Reduction
Active Shooter Response

Actuate constantly analyzes each security camera frame for possible weapon threats and intruders. We trained our software algorithm to identify what is a gun and what is not.

Actuate Gun Detection
Instant Notification

When the software detects a visible weapon or intruder, it issues an immediate alert to designated staff members with the exact location, firearm type, and information about the assailant(s).

Get the Briefing

Making Any Space Safer

Actuate helps organizations be more secure—in the face of high risk, budget limitations and privacy concerns.

  • School Security

    Actuate protects students by improving police response time at schools and universities.

  • Construction Sites

    Actuate enables moveable construction cameras to automatically detect threats to safety and security.

  • Central Stations

    Actuate’s AI software enables central station operators to do more with less.

  • Public Spaces

    Alerts staff to threats at offices, shopping malls and other commercial buildings.

  • Hospitals

    Detects threats instantly in hospitals and clinics, keeping staff and patients safe.

  • Industrials

    Actuate makes industrial facilities a harder target using AI.


Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Surveillance

Cloud-Based Efficiency

Actuate's cloud-based AI surveillance software provides cheaper, more effective threat detection than on-premise solutions, saving bandwidth costs and improving security hardware reliability.

Cloud-Hosting Briefing
Secure Infrastructure

Actuate is built from the ground-up to improve physical security without compromising cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance.

InfoSec and Compliance Briefing
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Ready to Upgrade Your Video Surveillance Capabilities?